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11.06.2012 10:38 - Essay - Unborn children - Translation
Автор: isteater Категория: Лични дневници   
Прочетен: 3250 Коментари: 11 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 07.08.2013 13:13

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в Blog.bg

Do you ever stop to think how you would raise them?

Текстът е мой интерпретивен превод на есе на Мария Полякова, поместено като статия в електронни издания u блога на stela50 тук.


            The more the time passes the more I start to think about the day when I shall need to pass knowledge, moral virtues and spiritual essence to my own children. And here comes the question - what if I had a son?

If I had a son, first of all, I would try to make him a Man. I would try to teach him how to understand women. I would show him what it means to be a gentleman. I would teach him that it’s not always bad if you are arrogant or even egocentric at times – provided it’s done on a clear merit and does not offend others. If a gentleman, for example, could not afford to pay the bill in a restaurant – then, perhaps, he’d better suggest taking a stroll in the park.

I would educate him that even if he received a text message at 2 a.m., it would be only polite to reply back regardless how meaningless the message itself is. The same goes for answering his phone, even in the cases, when he would have nothing to say. I would try to explain that there’s nothing wrong with sex just for a night, as long as both sides have agreed on that condition. I would tell him that a man could have many a women in life, but it takes only a real man to never bother mention their number, or worse - boasts with it!
             I’ll make sure to tell him that there would be cases in life, when he would leave the morning afterwards, but good manners decrees that he thanked for the good company, at least. I would tell him, that there would be another case too, when he would feel that She is the one – the only one – and that at this very moment he would feel pain. But he shouldn’t give up – just as at the dentist’s – when your mouth is wide open and pain only accumulates, then you just raise your hand to signal it wordlessly.

             If it is a good dentist, he would see your reaction and take the necessary actions.

I would show him that tears run – both from joy and sadness - but his mission to be a gentleman is to stop them by offering a clean handkerchief. The real man takes his time and the time he needs for the others as well. I’d explain to him that whenever he has promised to be by someone, this doesn"t mean texting via chat lines in Facebook.
            I don’t know if I shall succeed in doing all that, but if I do, then there will be at least one real gentleman living. Probably, at some point in life, he would also hurt a woman, but at least he wouldn"t be doing it to all. 
          And if I had a daughter I would teach her how to be a Dame. A sophisticated dame. The sophisticated woman does not try to accomplish the attention of all men surrounding, but only of whom she’s interested. She has the look of a temptess, the touch of a mother, the bold character of a man and knows how to behave like a girl. I would tell her the modern stories, these ones which do not have a Happy Ending, in which the castle is no more than 5 square meters, often referred to as the rented apartment and the Prince ran away before the final lines in the movie appeared on screen…

           I would tell her that she needs to know all about herself, but never say it before others. A real dame has fun amongst loud companies, but leaves alone. I would teach her to bear a lot, but not endlessly, love with all her heart, but cherish herself the most, be proud, but not self-infatuated like the story of Narcissus, and last but not least to be able to say “no”.

           A real dame is supposed to ask, whenever she fails to understand, play weak when she needs to flatter the man’s beside her ego and be strong every time he plays “absent”. If I had a daughter I would turn to her in the same way as an old woman from a village settled in the Rodopes turned to me once (a cold and great mountain famous for hiding many Bulgarian people during the years under the Turkish yoke) calling me “my son”. At the first moment, to honestly tell you, I was astonished. But now I see that I would only do this, for to make her strong enough to escape the common clichй “of belonging to the weaker sex”. I shall indulge to explain to her, that true love exists, but also there is something called passion. And one day she would inevitably find herself in the usual situation to meet unfaithfulness – maybe she would be on the losing side, being cheated on, or the one doing it. And anyway, right there I would tell her that these two feel awful and just the same.
           And yet, life goes like this, while some-one"s pillow soaks with tears and offence, some-body"s else has been kicked on the floor – her own pillow could possibly suit both situations too. Someone may be peacefully sleeping in their bed while others are breaking their relationship – and that is to say that she is capable of both - causing destruction and creating at the same time. What matters is the side she would choose to be on.The most important thing is to keep to herself, aware that even if she lost a fight it’s not the war.
Sometimes things just happen, even to dames!
        Because life is just like that, dearest unborn children of mine. And our childhood games remain still, only the level changes. It’s all the same childish entertainments, just crueler, wilder, more primary and deprived from being snotty and in crocodile tears. Games of catchers and prays, of force and submission, with cruelty in sight and victims as well…
Games of lust, self-satisfaction or self-denial.

And we all fight in this war. We all turn in its whirlpool – defeat and suffer defeat equally at times; sometimes we act professionally, sometimes like amateurs. It is all really a question of circumstances, mood, emotions, but most importantly of all always there’s someone left behind or hurt.

            I chose that to be my fight to raise and educate my own unborn children – a son to be a real gentleman and a daughter to act as a real “son”!

Тагове:   final version,


1. mariniki - прекрасен превод...
11.06.2012 11:38
на Неродените ми деца от Мария Полякова...
прочетох го в блога на Таня... страхотен текст...
радвам се, че те е впечатлил и теб..
поздравявам те... сърдечно..
2. stela50 - Благодаря , isteater... Приятно ме изненада ...
11.06.2012 12:11
Поздрави за идеята и сърдечни прегръдки !
3. stela50 - Благодаря, isteater ... Приятна и неочаквана изненада ...
11.06.2012 12:20
Благодаря и от името на авторката на текста Мария Полякова,
с която лично се познавам. Не зная дали си погледнала моя постинг
за тази статия и затова добавям линк към него .
Поздрави за идеята с пожелание за хубав ден !
4. isteater - Благодаря и аз сърдечно...
11.06.2012 14:21
и за одобрението, и за коментарите, изобщо...

Много се радвам!
Да, да разширим аудиенцията е идеята на този блог и да популяризираме до възможност авторовото творчетсво...
Аз щях да пиша, но днес ми е просто невъзможно до към момента!
Едвам успях да го публикувам единствено и да одобря коментарите.

Поздрави от мен! Успешна и спорна седмица!
5. brym4ence87 - I've already read the essay in Bulgarian ;–)
11.06.2012 20:34
I think you should stick to second conditional every now and then, might just be a better option. ;–)) Have a geat time!
6. isteater - Well,
11.06.2012 20:47
I've only done it as I feel it; actually I've done it like this in the final editing; but thanks, anyway...

Thanks for reading it! :)
7. poppywoman - Браво, Деска! Чудесно е това, което ...
12.06.2012 17:43
Браво, Деска! Чудесно е това, което правиш!

Приятна вечер, умничко момиче! :)
8. isteater - Благодаря ти,
12.06.2012 22:56
попи-уомън! Стараем се!
Вашето мнение е от значение за мен!

Поздрави от мен,

9. tit - Можем да дадем на децата си толкова, колкото имаме...
14.06.2012 19:58
До колко ще го приемат и развият, до колко ще приемат от другите около себе си е друг въпрос.:))
Ние сме лъкове, които изстрелват децата ни..."Пророкът" на Джубран е най-мъдрото нещо, което съм срещала по въпроса.
Децата имат нужда от любов.
10. isteater - Благодаря Ви за коментара!
14.06.2012 22:32
Аз съм на същото мнение, любов, обич и внимание е това, от което децата се нуждаят най-много!
И от личен опит и от префесионална практика - това сочат фактите! Но и двете крайности носят своите негативи...
Страшно трудна е за вариране тази златна среда...

11. imbe - malchovci :D
16.06.2012 06:48
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Автор: isteater
Категория: Лични дневници
Прочетен: 285883
Постинги: 129
Коментари: 534
Гласове: 2658
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